October 5, 2024

Plant blue fescue

Very trendy, easy to grow and ideal for dressing arid areas of the garden, the Blue Fescue is gaining more and more followers. Its very graphic blue-gray foliage forms tufts of the most beautiful effect in rockeries and borders. For a contemporary garden, plant this grass on a bed of white gravel: effect guaranteed!

Difficulty of planting blue fescue

Very easy.

When to plant blue fescue?

Spring or fall.

Preparing to plant the blue fescue

Fescues are not susceptible to any disease which facilitates the choice of plants. Just make sure that the roots do not get “bun” in the pot and that the foliage is a beautiful blue.
Preparation of the soil:
Beaker to a depth of 30 cm. Take advantage of the operation to remove the roots of weeds and to incorporate a draining amendment such as coarse river sand into the soil.




Poor, drained, dry.

Distance between 2 blue fescue plants

30 cm.

How to plant blue fescue?

Blue fescue is a very easy to grow perennial grass. It thrives in dry, well-drained ordinary soil. It tolerates drought and poor soils and can be planted in seaside gardens.

  • Choose a location in full sun to dig the planting hole, which should be a size slightly larger than that of the root ball.
  • For better drainage in heavy soil, dig deeper and add a bed of chippings to the bottom of the hole.
  • Install the plant and fill in the spaces with a mixture of soil and river sand.
  • Space the plants at a distance of 30 cm.

After planting the blue fescue

Water after planting. Continue watering, letting the soil dry out between two waterings until the first signs of re-vegetation. Then the Blue Fescue will not need any more care, except cleaning the leaves and faded flowers from time to time to keep it looking beautiful.