October 5, 2024

Limit the area devoted to grass

The lawn is fragile and consumes water, fertilizers, and treatment products. Partly replace it with other less demanding plants or turn it into a meadow.

 It’s a great classic! More than 84% of French gardens have at least one small lawn, which still represents an estimated area of ​​almost 640,000 ha! It symbolizes nature for many. But the lawn is one of the most water-intensive areas; it often requires inputs of nitrogenous fertilizers and pesticides and encourages the use of a motorized machine emitting CO2 … the mower.

The gardener must rather take care to reduce this lawned space, reserved for places of games and idleness. Elsewhere, it will replace it with ground cover plants ( ivy, periwinkle, and helxine in the shade; dwarf sedum, perennial geranium, and dwarf bamboo in the sun), which do not require any maintenance. In the most remote parts of his house, he can even change the grass into a meadow by mowing the grass only once a year, at the end of summer.