October 5, 2024

Palm Sunday and the weather: sayings

The wind that blows at the time of Palm Sunday would be the one that should persist throughout the beautiful season. The time of this festival would also be that of the year. To check it, remember to note the weather this weekend.

In 2017, Palm Sunday is April 9 (in 2016, it was March 20, the official spring day). This date changes from year to year, like Easter: “Easter is the Sunday following the fourteenth day of the Moon which reaches this age on or immediately after March 21”. The fourteenth day of the Moon being the day of the full Moon. The sayings giving weather forecasts relate to the day or the weekend of Palm Sunday and do not indicate a precise date.

“The wind which is blessed on the Palm lasts the least during the year.”
From one saying or from one proverb to another, the moment to note the direction of the wind of Palm Sunday is not always the same. Some indicate instead the time of the blessing during Palm Mass. Others remain more vague and only mention the wind blowing during the day, but since the wind sometimes changes direction during Palm Sunday, this latter forecast would be less reliable.

“If the wind is north on Palm Sunday, it won’t be hot all season long.”
An easterly wind would also be the sign of a predicted relative freshness. And in both cases, dry weather … a more southerly wind would herald a warmer year. With a westerly direction, we should expect a rather wet year.

“If it rains on Palm Sunday, a year of rain.”
Palm Sunday is Sunday. But another saying refers to Saturday: “Palm Saturday is done all year round.”

If you’re passionate about weather forecasting, have fun recording the weather and wind direction on Saturday and Sunday. And over the months, you will be able to determine whether or not the sayings have given the right indications.