October 5, 2024

The McIntosh apple

Do you think you know her? But the McIntosh apple is scarce in our orchards. An ancient variety, mother of many modern apples.

I am not talking about its namesake MacIntosh present on computers but rather about an apple in 3D. Besides, on closer inspection, the spelling is not the same. Of course, there is the famous legend regarding the Apple logo, where the creator bit into an apple. But what variety? History does not specify. So, as Jacques C. said, “Let’s bite some apples!”, And let’s get back to our fruit.

It was discovered in Dundas County, Ontario, Canada, around 1796 by John McIntosh and imported to Europe in the 1930s.

It is a fruit with red skin, quite thick and endowed with a white and juicy flesh, tangy and fragrant, ideal for compotes. Its flowering is precocious and it is harvested in early September. The fruits are round about 7cm in diameter. The vigor of the tree is medium. People are sensitive to canker and opinions differ as to its resistance to powdery mildew.
This beautiful apple is the source of ‘Golden delicious’, ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’, ‘Red delicious’ …