October 5, 2024

Always flowery compositions

If the pots and planters composed in May still bloom in mid-August, they are running out of steam. Do not neglect the few required actions that will ensure a beautiful flowering until the first frosts, or even longer!


Dwarf dahlias adapt perfectly to growing in pots or planters. Mid-August, surface the pot by 1 cm, scraping the substrate with a fork, and fill with compost while continuing to water – the soil must remain cool – and add liquid fertilizer every 15 days.
Remove faded flowers to induce the appearance of new flower buds and prolong flowering.


Calibrachoas, with their countless little petunia flowers to which they are close, will bloom well into November if given a boost.No need for daily cleaning, and faded flowers fall off by themselves. On the other hand, a small pruning, in the middle of summer, will help them to branch out and bloom more beautifully. Fold down each stem by a third. Continue the watering, without forgetting the fertilizer, every week, for these greedy.


The diascias have been covered with florets since the beginning of summer, but they are starting to get tired. For their flowering to continue for the next three months, cut back the clumps by half. In order not to strip the pots all at once, stagger the cuts: one foot this week, another next week. Continue watering – the soil must remain cool, but not soggy – and add fertilizer every fortnight.