Small, supple, and light grass, waving in the wind, it is often called “angel hair”. The stem forms dense tufts of evergreen leaves, thin as a hair, of pretty soft green in spring, taking on bronze reflections in autumn. Silvery inflorescences, with a frayed appearance (due to the hairs carried by the seeds, called ridges), emerge from the tuft.
Technical sheet
Type of plant: grass (poaceae)
Exposure: sun
Soil: dry and poor
Cultivation conditions
The stipe likes open spaces, full sun and poor, light and always well-drained soils. Short-lived perennial, it reseeds itself.
Maintenance and other care
In spring, comb the old foliage by hand, and do not cut it back!
Usage: Solid, border, stew, bouquets.
Species and varieties
- S. ‘Pony Tails’, 60 cm, white panicles, then fawn;
- S. barbata, 75 cm, long silvery ridges;
- S. pulcherrima, 60 cm, very long arabesque ridges;
- S. gigantea, 2 m, bluish green leaves, and loose, golden spikes.
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