October 5, 2024

Fern cultivation and maintenance sheet

In the undergrowth, in the massifs where they spread out their fronds but also in the rockeries, the crevices of low walls, pavements, on the edge of water features … ferns are so diverse that they can settle in all kinds of places. corners of the garden.

Culture sheet

Hardiness: up to -20 ° C and more
Exposure: shade, partial shade
Soil: preferably cool and without limestone
Height: 40 cm to 2 m
Use: undergrowth, clump, rockery, pot
Soil:  ordinary, lightened ‘a little peat



Adiantum pedatum
Height: 40 to 60 cm

The light green foliage of this fern contrasts with its dark brown stems; it turns nicely pink and orange in autumn. More than any other species, it needs to be cultivated in a sheltered place, without strong variations in temperature and humidity.

To cultivate at the foot of a wall, in the rockery, in the undergrowth.

Deer tongue

Asplenium scolopendrium
Height: 40 to 60 cm

Persistent, smooth, and entire fronds, glazed, elongated (60 cm long and 6 cm wide), light green in color. We often see them flourish in the interstices of old walls or old stairs, inside wells. To be sheltered from the wind, in rich soil, even limestone. Remove the old fronds in the spring.

– ‘Cristatum’: 30 to 40 cm, fronds with very curly edges.

– ‘Undulatum’: 40 to 50 cm, leaves with wavy edges.


Asplenium trichomanes
Height: 15 to 20 cm

This wild plant (it grows in stony and cool areas) forms small tufts with numerous and persistent fronds. The almost black rachis bring out the green leaves illuminated with bronze reflections. For shade or partial shade.

Female fern

Athyrium filix-femina
Height: 80 cm to 1 m

Deciduous, light green, indented foliage with a spreading habit. Prefers moist soils, but adapts to ordinary soil, provided it is rich and well-drained. Excellent ground cover.

– ‘Victoriae’: named in honor of the famous Queen of England, this fern with an upright habit is distinguished by the “v” formed by the pinnae at their end.Athyrium niponicum Metallicum
Height: 40 to 70 cm

This magnificent fern charms with its fronds of light gray-green, adorned with a central silver band and bronze or pink vein. In sheltered and shaded massif.Blechnum spicant
Height: 30 to 50 cm

This fern is distinguished by its foliage which presents two distinct aspects. It first forms a large cushion of narrow, leathery, and persistent fronds, dark green in color. Then, in the center of this tuft, appear in summer other erect fronds, of a bronze-green, with very fine pinnae. For shaded slopes, fresh rockeries, in limestone-free soil.Cyrtomium falcatum
Height: 50 to 60 cm

With their elongated and curved pinnae in the shape of a scythe, the erect but supple fronds of this fern of Japanese origin have a shape reminiscent of mahonia leaves. For limestone-free, shaded, rich, cool, but well-drained soils. This plant is little or not hardy: it can sometimes resist down to -7 ° C, provided it is protected by a thick litter of dry leaves, a wintering veil …

Male fern

Dryopteris filix-mas
Height: 1 to 1.20 m

Here is the fern of our undergrowth, with large and long dark green fronds, paler undersides, and rachis covered with brown down. This foliage, which turns yellow, is deciduous but can persist in a mild climate. Accepts almost any soil and resists drought well when set up.

– ‘Linearis polydactyla’: 70 cm, a real curiosity with these pinnules resembling needles.

Fern from Germany

Matteuccia struthiopteris
Height: 80 cm

The fronds of this species form a characteristic, very narrow funnel with erect tufts. It can form large colonies thanks to its runners. To be installed in rich, cool to humid soil, or even temporarily flooded.Onoclea Sensitis
Height: 60 to 80 cm

Tussock erected with deciduous, light green fronds, taking on beautiful coppery hues in the fall.

To be placed in the undergrowth or at the edge of water features. Indeed, this fern likes cool, humid, or even seriously flooded soils: it continues to grow even under 5 to 10 cm of water!

Royal fern

Osmunda regalis
Height: 1.20 m

Certainly the most vigorous of the ferns growing in the gardens! A superb erect tuft of deciduous light green to ash green fronds, with broad divisions. Magnificent bronze color in autumn. Here is the fern to install, isolated, at the water’s edge, both in the shade and in the sun.

Note: it tolerates temporary drought.


Ferns are easy to grow and require little care when set up. In general, they prefer cool but well-drained, rich, and acidic soils. However, many also adapt to ordinary soil if it is cool enough. Many species accept the dense shade. To multiply them, separate the suckers from the rhizomatous species. Sowing in a box, in spring, gives good results: to be tested.

Never direct sunlight, which burns the tender leaves of the ferns. Otherwise, they accept a fairly bright light as well as a shadow. Variegated forms are a little more demanding in terms of light.

A fairly cool temperature in winter (15-18 ° C) is perfect for these delicate plants.

Watering ferns

How to water them?

Ferns require generous watering so that the soil remains slightly moist at all times. However, avoid stagnant humidity, which can cause rots. During the beautiful season, add liquid fertilizer diluted by half every 15 days. Make sure to maintain high humidity around these plants, which mostly originate from tropical rainforests.

When to report them?

In the spring, when the clump has colonized the whole pot, in ordinary potting soil enriched with peat.

Immersion watering

Immerse the jar or suspension in a bowl of fresh, lukewarm water once a week. Also, make frequent sprays.


Group the ferns and create a humid atmosphere that will be beneficial to them: place the pots in a large peat tank to keep them slightly damp at all times.

Depolluting virtues

The Boston fern is a star of pollution control plants. It absorbs a large amount of xylene and formaldehyde every day. The bird’s nest fern also absorbs this volatile compound as well as ammonia. Large pots are, of course, more effective. And these two plants, as well as all the other ferns, when vaporized regularly, contribute noticeably and pleasantly to raise the humidity of overheated rooms.


Ferns are essential for all shady places in gardens, for the waterfront, and for the base of walls facing north. They are used to garnish very dark areas where almost nothing grows. Combine them with other shade plants: rodgersia , liriope, hosta …
Note that bright bathrooms are rooms that are generally suitable for them if they are not too heated.

Fern diseases and parasites

The tips of the leaves or the edges turn brown and dry: to insufficient humidity. Increase the humidity of the air by frequent spraying on the foliage.

Be careful, scale insects can invade the underside of the large fronds of the deer horn fern. Dislodge them one by one.

The gardener’s advice

Always prefer soft water at room temperature to water the ferns. The most delicate, like the capillary, do not tolerate hard water. To soften the water, soak a bag of pure peat overnight in the watering can.

Regularly dust the large, fragile leaves of the bird’s nest fern with a damp cloth. Hold the slingshot from below with your other hand.

Small glossary for the use of ferns

Fronds: leaves of ferns.

Rhachis: central leaf vein.

Pinnules: leaflets of the fronds.

Flowering: ferns are not plants like the others, they do not have flowers and are propagated thanks to the spores gathered under the pinnules.