October 5, 2024

Cultivate biodiversity, forget the lawn

Without wanting to recreate wild nature, it is possible to approach it by welcoming a wide variety of flora. The little animals will soon follow! Combine plants and small animals well to welcome wildlife to the garden without being invaded: follow Rustica’s advice.

Did you know ? Plants have a social life. Some can only thrive with company! The plants bring mutual benefits: shade, support, protection against the wind, pests … The more species are numerous, the more the garden becomes welcoming for the fauna, which then finds refuge and food there (and the more the fauna is diversified). , the more pest attacks are controlled). However, many animal and plant species are now threatened. To promote biodiversity in the garden, nothing better than to introduce wild plants, ideally indigenous. You just have to “forget” to remove some alliaries and chelidoins in the beds; compose planters filled with cereals and flowers (poppy, cornflower, etc.); leave a fallow land at the foot of the hedge or at the bottom of the garden; build a pond; keep a low wall, dead trees. Ideas abound!

ZOOM: Another lawn

Spreading fertilizer, fighting against moss, passing the mower throughout the beautiful season, copious watering… So much effort, time spent and waste to obtain the green carpet of our dreams!
Why not reduce the surface, this will be the opportunity to introduce a new diversity to the garden . So welcome ground covers (creeping bugle, dead knife, nummular lysimachus …) which will spread under the trees, where the lawn is struggling to grow. Create a gravel garden on which to wander: a number of plants (wallflower, saxifrage, mullein, valerian, verbena, etc.) can be dispersed there according to their spontaneous sowing.