October 1, 2024

Install a climbing frame on a decorative stake

Placed in a corner of the lawn, this metal stake accommodates a climbing rose which lets see the top of the structure for a very decorative effect.

The ideal plant

Of medium size for a climber, 2.50 to 3 m in height and 2 m in sprawl, ‘Pink Cloud’ is content with a narrow support of about 3 m in height. Its large, fragrant bright pink flowers are generous in spring and fall, and more dispersed in summer. Its healthy foliage enhances them.


From November to the end of March for a bare root rose . Open a hole and install the rose bush, leaving the graft point out of the ground. Stitch the uprights of the column on both sides so that the branches are in the middle. Bring them out above the first circle and always brush them on the outside.


In February-March, prune the secondary branches with three eyes and one or two old branches at their base. Regularly cut faded flowers, water if necessary.