October 5, 2024

Use the right treatment product

In order not to multiply unnecessary treatments, it is necessary to clearly determine the problem which arises before deciding on the action to be implemented. It’s not always obvious…

Identical symptoms can indeed come from attacks by parasites, diseases or even cultivation errors, such as an excess or, conversely, a lack of watering.

The correct diagnosis requires careful and regular observation of the plants in the garden. Getting a magnifying glass is helpful, as the parasites are sometimes tiny. Without forgetting to look under the leaves, this is often where they hide. Everything is then a question of learning …

Do not hesitate to call on professionals who will determine the origin of the damage, or to launch into the consultation of reference books. Once the diagnosis has been established – if it is not a cultivation accident – the product chosen will be effective againstdisease or parasites .

Better to know how to recognize auxiliary insects, this time to preserve them. Because confusion is possible … A ladybug larva evokes for many an unwanted insect, yet it is a useful devourer of aphids !