February 22, 2025

Choosing and planting grasses to create a massive

Grasses are decorative almost all year round, especially in winter at a time when the massives lack graphic design. Grasses are found all over the world, there are many decorative varieties all year round. 

Advice before planting the grass massive

The creation of a mass of grasses consists first of digging the earth 20 cm deep and refining the surface with a tiller to facilitate the work. Once the soil has been worked, start by placing the pots of grasses in the future massive. Place the x pots for groups of 3 or 5 identical plants to give a mass effect. The distance between the grasses is 30 to 60 cm or more depending on the adult size of the plants.

Which grasses to choose for your massive?

Here are some examples of grasses that will have the most beautiful effect in summer and winter in a massif. Here, a ganivelle fence (Girondine barrier) maintained by chestnut posts in the background is reminiscent of a palisade to hold back the sand and the dunes at the edge of the sea.

  • The Miscanthus sinensis ‘Kleine Silberspine’  or ‘Gracillimus’ also called Eulalie, China reed or elephant grass. This giant grass grows, depending on the variety, up to 2m50 in height. Its inflorescences in the form of silver, pink or purple plumes last all fall until the heart of winter.
  • The testacea sedge ‘Prairie Fire’ also called orange sedge is a grass whose evergreen foliage turns orange as the fall. It is said that he sets fire to the massif before winter. Its height does not exceed 50 cm. Its place is rather in the foreground.
  • Another smaller sedge this time is sedge morrowii ‘Variegata’ called Japanese sedge. Its foliage is variegated green with white central veins. Its evergreen leaves remain decorative all winter despite the cold. A grass that holds its place in front of others.
  • The Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Hameln’ most known herb for swabs. This very compact grass 60 cm in height is surmounted by white ears with brown reflections in the form of swabs; hence its name.
  • The panicum virgatum ‘rehbraun’ (panic tapered). Although it is native to the humid prairies of the United States, it is also tolerant of drought and very cold conditions. This 80cm foolproof grass has a very light airy look. Like most grasses, it changes color with the seasons
  • The Sesleria autumnalis (seslérie autumn) is formed by a tuft of bristles within 50 cm of height. It has more of a grassy look bringing a little wild side but maintained the massif. This tuft of grass retains the soil of the steep slopes.
  • The non-tracing fargesia bamboo will not annoy its congeners. It can go up to 3 m and is easily pruned!

Mulch the massive after planting

Grasses are like a beautiful page of writing; it is necessary that the support is pretty and durable. It is advisable to mulch the massive with BRF (fragmented rameal wood) which prevents competing weeds from growing. It enriches the soil thanks to micro-organisms and earthworms which transform it into humus. It is possible to cover the BRF with glitter.
Water copiously the first time to empty air pockets around the root ball.