January 19, 2025

Divide a bamboo in a bin to replant it in the garden

A bamboo tub divides when the new canes are smaller than the old ones, despite watering and fertilizer applications. This is a sign that the bamboo is getting tighter and tighter in a pot that is too small.

The division of rhizomes takes place in autumn or spring before the appearance of new spears.
Water the bamboo copiously to facilitate stripping.
Start by preparing the planting holes while the tray moistens itself quietly to the heart of the root ball. Previously the ground was covered by a thick layer of BRF (Bois, Raméal, Fragmenté).
The stripping is delicate because the rhizomes compress the tray preventing the extraction of the bamboo. No need to insist, the risk would be to deteriorate the plant.

Deposit the bamboo

Bamboo is grown in a seamless zinc tub. Spread the pot without damage with a chisel to remove the bamboo.
The roots are very compacted and occupy the entire tank. However, the drainage allowed the bamboo to remain healthy. The roots are healthy.

Cut the root ball in four

A handsaw is essential to divide the roots into 4 equal parts. The bamboo can be cut like a cake, starting from the bottom up.
Bamboos appreciate slow-release organic fertilizers rich in nitrogen. Dry blood is very suitable as a bamboo fertilizer.
Place one of the 4 parts on the substrate and fill the hole with compost mixed with the extracted soil.
Pack then water copiously.

Good to know

Here it is largest, a non-tracing bamboo that does not require an anti-rhizome barrier. If in the future the bamboos take up a little too much space, it is possible to divide them and obtain new plans to make a small hedge that is easy to cut.