October 5, 2024

How to maintain and care for a potted bamboo

Keep a green bamboo all year round and help it through the winter. 

Tips for planting a potted bamboo

To install bamboo on your terrace, prefer compact shapes to hide the opposite: squat bamboos with dense foliage such as fargesia rufa. Planting bamboo in pots allows you to take advantage of its evergreen foliage and very decorative stubble for some varieties. This is the case of phyllostachys nigra with black culms or of phyllostachys aureosulcata ‘Aureocaulis’ with very original culms of bright yellow color in zigzag. 

How to plant a bamboo in a pot:

  • Choose a pot according to the size of the bamboo, large enough for the root ball to fit in without forcing. 
  • Rehydrate the root ball by immersing it in water. 
  • Place a geotextile felt in the bottom of the pot and its edges, then pour a layer of clay balls over a few centimeters.
  • Partially fill with horticultural soil and place the root ball on this bed of soil.
  • Fill in the spaces with soil and tamp as you go. 

Care tips for potted bamboo

Maintain a bamboo in summer
Water the bamboo copiously. They need water, and the rhizomes will be more easily contained if they are watered properly. In pierced tubs, it is important to regularly check to see if the rhizomes are coming out of the holes. Placed on a terrace fitted out on slabs, they can cause damage by slipping into open spaces. 
Regularly move the tubs and cut the rhizomes that protrude. 

Maintaining a bamboo in winter
When it freezes heavily, the bamboo can no longer draw water and therefore feed its foliage. Observe the leaves carefully: if they are closed, the plant lacks water.
To protect bamboo against cold and frost on the surface,wintering veil (or dead leaves ).
Place the protection at the foot of the bamboos to prevent the frost from penetrating to the roots.
Water out of periods that are too dry.