February 21, 2025

Miscanthus (Miscanthus sinensis)

Strong and light, installed for very long years,  miscanthus remains decorative until the dead of winter. This “Chinese reed” has leaves marked with a very characteristic white central vein, which turns red in autumn. At the end of summer, the flowers in spikes peak at 1.20 and up to 3 m in height depending on the variety.

Technical sheet

Type of plant: grass (poaceae)
Exposure: sun
Soil: rich and fresh

Cultivation conditions

Miscanthus shows a preference for cool soils, even heavy ones. It needs heat and sun to flower. North of the Loire, choose early flowering varieties.

Maintenance and other care

Cut back the foliage to 15 cm from the ground in early spring, not before! Divide regularly in the spring.


Use: isolated, bouquets

Species and varieties

  • ‘Silberfeder’, 2.50 m, white flowers then golden, even without sun;
  • ‘Goldefer’, 2 m, silvery flowers, foliage striped pale yellow;
  • ‘Purpurascens’, 1.50 m, flowers pink, then silver;
  • M. nepalensis, 1.20 m, golden, not very rustic.