February 22, 2025

Pruning grasses at the end of winter

Ornamental grasses are pruned after winter when the stems are dry and reddish.

The size of grasses will depend on their size and decorative appeal.
On the material side, you will need, depending on the thickness and size of the stems: a pair of scissors, a pair of shears, or pruning shears.

  • Start by pruning those that do not stand up like the blue molinie : pruning, severe, is done almost at ground level. The stems, cut into pieces, can be used as mulch. The plant will start again from the base.
  • Evergreen grasses should be pruned into a ball above the green leaves, using a sharp pair of shears. Remove dry stubble with a rake.
  • Place 2 liters of compost at the base to prepare for the resumption of vegetation.
  • For miscanthus sinensis or Chinese Reed, which is very decorative with its dry inflorescences, it is necessary to wait for the culms to break before pruning them above the green leaves using a secateurs.
  • Add a special lawn fertilizer rich in nitrogen to the foot.
  • Remember to comb the base to remove the dead leaves and finish with a ball cut.
  • For the giant miscanthus, which is comparable to bamboo in summer, pruning is done at the base for a resumption of vegetation in April. The dry stems can be used as a stake or be crushed or cut to form compost with the mown grass.