February 22, 2025

Stipe (Stipa tenuissima)

Small, supple, and light grass, waving in the wind, it is often called “angel hair”. The stem forms dense tufts of evergreen leaves, thin as a hair, of pretty soft green in spring, taking on bronze reflections in autumn. Silvery inflorescences, with a frayed appearance (due to the hairs carried by the seeds, called ridges), emerge from the tuft.

Technical sheet

Type of plant: grass (poaceae)
Exposure: sun
Soil: dry and poor 

Cultivation conditions

The stipe likes open spaces, full sun and poor, light and always well-drained soils. Short-lived perennial, it reseeds itself.

Maintenance and other care

In spring, comb the old foliage by hand, and do not cut it back!


Usage: Solid, border, stew, bouquets.

Species and varieties

  • S. ‘Pony Tails’, 60 cm, white panicles, then fawn;
  • S. barbata, 75 cm, long silvery ridges;
  • S. pulcherrima, 60 cm, very long arabesque ridges;
  • S. gigantea, 2 m, bluish green leaves, and loose, golden spikes.