Taxonomy Profile: Achalcinae (Grootaert and Meuffels 1997)
Achalcinae: Taxonomy and Nomenclature Record Credibility Rating:
Achalcinae: Taxonomic Hierarchy Kingdom :
Animaliaanimals |
Animal |
animaux |
Phylum :
Arthropodaarthropods |
Artrópode |
arthropodes |
Class :
Insectainsects |
hexapoda |
inseto |
insectes |
Subclass :
Pterygotawinged insects |
insects ailés |
Infraclass :
Neopteramodern, wing-folding insects |
Order :
Dipteramosca |
mosquito |
gnats |
mosquitoes |
true flies |
Suborder :
Brachyceracircular-seamed flies |
muscoid flies |
short-horned flies |
mouches muscoïdes |
Achalcinae Direct Children(s):
Grootaert, P. and H. J. G. Meuffels
Publication Date (Listed/Actual):
1997-01-01 / 1997-01-01
Article/Chapter Title:
Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea XV: Scepastopyga gen. nov. and the establishment of a new subfamily, the Achalcinae
Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.:
Journal of Natural History, vol. 31
Reference for:
Achalcinae: Geographic Information