Taxonomy Profile: Acerentomoidea (Condé 1951)
Acerentomoidea: Taxonomy and Nomenclature Record Credibility Rating:
Acerentomoidea: Taxonomic Hierarchy Kingdom :
Animalia animals |
Animal |
animaux |
Phylum :
Arthropoda arthropods |
Artrópode |
arthropodes |
Acerentomoidea Direct Children(s):
Acerentomoidea: References Publication(s):
Tuxen, S. L.
Publication Date (Listed/Actual):
1964-01-01 / 1964-01-01
Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.:
The Protura: A revision of the species of the world with keys for determination
Publication Place:
Paris, France
Reference for:
Szeptycki, Andrzej
Publication Date (Listed/Actual):
2007-01-01 / 2007-01-01
Article/Chapter Title:
Catalogue of the World Protura
Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.:
Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia, Ser. B - Invertebrata, vol. 50B, no. 1
Reference for:
Acerentomoidea: Geographic Information Comment:
Szeptycki (2007) uses this category as Order Acerentomata of the Class Protura. Here we have kept Acerentomoidea as suborder of Order Protura to fit our ranking assignments for related groups (e.g., the "entognaths"), though this will soon require an overhaul